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Muffy VanderBear Collections.

Beartrix Potter and Peter Rabbit

The 2005 Collector’s Limited Edition

Muffy & Hoppy recreate the popular children's book author and her favorite subject from the beloved classic "The Tales of Peter Rabbit" ™ 
Muffy explores the British countryside in an Edwardian-style floral cotton gown with blue and white striped apron tied with a blue grosgrain ribbon. A straw hat with a matching ribbon and brown leatherette shoes add distinguished flair to her ensemble.  A miniature Tom Kitten is safely tucked within her carpet bag.

Hoppy is dapper in  yellow checked button rompers topped with a blue velveteen jacket.  A velvet carrot is hidden in her pocket as she hops through the garden in her embroidered felt slippers.


Special Double-Boxed Set 


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Cheeky BearCorduroy BearThe Velveteen RabbitMadeline DollLucy and Me BearWinnie the PoohSteiff Bear